Wednesday, October 15, 2008

*Cave Paintings*

The location of Lascaux Caves:

The Caves are in southwestern France in the Lascaux woods.

The Life of a Cave Painter...

Imagine. You are at the entrance of dark cave and all you have with you is your four year old son. The only light you have is a single candle made of animal fat and this is supposed to guide you the entire way. You now have to endure crawling for an unknown amount of hours to draw pictures on the wall of a cave. This isn't just for fun though. You believe this has a purpose and will help you to catch the animals you need to feed you family and other things similar. You work hard on these paintings and they have beome part of your life.

This here is what it must have been like for ancient cave painters to go through. The work they went through to do these paintings was tremendous. To us this may seem ridiculous but to them it was very important and they did a lot to get these painted.

Why were they painted??

These cave paintings were a very big deal to ancient people. They belived in them and spent a lot of time making sure they were drawn. There are a couple reasons of why they may have drawn these pictures. The people believed that if they drew a certain animal that this would help them to catch it when they were hunting. Once that idea was planted in their heads of course this became important to them. Also they may have been drawing what they see not only for help in hunting but to better understand their surroundings. Families could have drawn things for luck, and to help them along in troubled spots. If they thought these things then obviously painting these pictures would be important and it would show us why it was very common to go through difficult things just to draw a picture. These weren't just pictures to them though. These drawings were wonders.

The Feeling of Being a Cave Artist...

It would be difficult to be a cave aritist. This is apparent. Even today, for better reasons then they had, people to not put themselves through what these cave painters did. They worked hard and were very determined. These people weren't slackers and pushed themselves. Cave painters must have saw this as a way of life. If something is that important, as it is to them, obviously people would be willing to work hard. The difference though, is cave painters worked very hard. These peopl must have also been very brave and possibly could have thought of this as their duty. Being a cave artist must have been grueling work, but to them, it was worth it.

Lascaux Images

The wall paintings from the Lascaux caves show bison, wild horses and many other animals that they used to hunt. Prehistoric people made the painting over 16000 years ago. The image was of what they prehistric people hunted.

We lost the paragraph of Lascaux Images and Artist techniques used. We did it but it did not save.